Love. The central theme of the 2 greatest commandments, according to Jesus in Matthew 22:35-40. At Welcome Baptist Church we hope you will experience the Love we have for God, for one another, and for the unbeliever. We hope that you can join us soon as we worship our Lord, come feel 'Welcome at Welcome"
In June 2022 Faith Baptist Church of Williamsburg came to Welcome Baptist and joined us as one church body. Construction is underway on a complete remodel of the interior of the Faith Baptist Building on SR 133. We will continue to meet at Williamsburg High School until that project is completed. Stay tuned for more information about the new buildings as the summer progresses. To reach the church by mail, use PO 97 Owensville OH 45160.
Keep reading below for more information about our Pastor, Michael Tripp, and what we believe as a church.
What We Believe
We believe in the verbal inspiration of the 66 books of the Bible (King James) in its original writing and that it is without error and it is the sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. We further believe that the Bible reveals God, the fall of man, the way of salvation and God’s plan and purpose in the ages. We believe there is One and only One true and living God, existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are co-eternal and co-equal from all eternity, each with distinct personalities but with one nature.
We believe in the deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, coexistent with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He came to the world, born of a virgin, suffered, died, was buried and rose again bodily and ascended to the right hand of the Father.
We believe in the Person and work of the Holy Spirit which includes conviction of sin, regeneration of sinners, and indwelling of the believer.
We believe that salvation is "by grace," plus nothing and minus nothing. The conditions to salvation are repentance and faith. We further believe that a soul is saved when Christ is received as personal Savior and Lord and the Holy Spirit imparts eternal life.
We believe in the perseverance of the saints and that it is the plan of God for such believers to walk after the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
We believe in the immersion of the believer in water under the authority of a New Testament church to signify His death, burial, and resurrection and the believer’s identification with Him. We do not believe that baptism saves. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. The Lord’s Supper constitutes the other of the only two ordinances of the church.
We believe that a New Testament church is a local group of baptized believers, united for His purpose and knowledge and spread of the Word of God, including world-wide missions. We believe it to be completely independent with no other person, group, or body having any authority, right of intervention or control whatsoever over or within a local church.
We believe in the visible, personal and premillennial return of Jesus Christ, the bodily resurrection of the righteous dead at His coming. We further believe in the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.
What we teach
We teach strictly from the Word of God, we do not entangle ourselves with the preferences and opinions of men. We teach strongly that it is the responsibility of the Father to set the standards for the home based on the Word of God.
We teach strongly from the two greatest commandments that the Lord gave us in Mark 12:30.
We teach to challenge and strengthen the relationship that we have with Christ learning to live a life filled with the Spirit of God. (Christianity is not just a one day a week thing.)
We teach that children and teenagers have a purpose in the work of God and we allow them the opportunity to minister in our Youth in Action Ministries. Too many cater and try to entertain them when the Lord said in Matthew 23:11 “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant."
We teach forgiveness to be one of the most powerful actions that we can show others because that is how the Lord showed us that He loved us. We are to forgive others as He has forgiven us.
Our Pastor
The Tripp Family came to Welcome Baptist Church in November of 2010. It was truly the Lord's will that brought them to our Church to visit on the very evening that our previous pastor, Brother Stanley, announced his retirement. The Lord provided, right on time.
Pastor Michael Tripp and his wife, Amber, have 7 children. Keturah, Michael Jr., Lydia, Tyler, Jace, Kayla, and Lynneah